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land clearing of woodlands - an ecological disaster in NSW and nationally

20 Dec 2007 - Systemic racism in NSW behind the 1997 origins of 'bio banking' aka 'tradeoff' land clearing?


9/2007 - Ongoing scandal of land clearing in NSW and Australia likely affecting climate


April 2007 - Gwydir international wetland in NSW clearing scandal


14/2/05... 1 million hectares land clearing in Qld 2001-2003 [as bad or worse to 2005?]. Latest satellite info on eco disaster, as per ABC's World Today


12/2/05...Carr govt fails Gwydir wetlands, greenies legal appeal goes down

9/2/05... decision by Carr govt expected on Brigalow Belt South Bioregion (BBSB) in north western NSW containing major high conservation value woodlands, in Sydney Morning Herald. [final decision was surprisingly strong one.]

4/2/05...Green Party grim take on Brigalow South western woodland negotiation

3/2/05...Golf courses as latest developer predatory trick on natural vegetation[? nod to Green Party expose]

29/2/04... Misleading praise - by ACF peak green group - for Carr Govt on the latter's theoretical brake on land clearing is rejected with figures to back up critique

17/11/03...Clearing rate in NSW 116,000 to 216,000 hectares per year: NSW Govt report via SMH, with other related stories

25/10/03... Earthbeat legal interview shows Carr land clearing laws are quite bogus

21/9/03... accountability challenge for peak NSW green groups in the Carr govt loop

14/9/03 - ABC Background Briefing: Bulldozers, Trees, and Making a Quid


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