Sydney Alternative Media - independent, community, non profit, trustworthy

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About ecology action Australia

Feedback from the community about the founder, and our work at ecology action sydney.

You can email us here: e c o l o g y a @ b i g p o n d . c o m  (just delete the spaces between the letters and symbols first)

Sid Walker Exec Officer NSW Nature Conservation Council 1990-95 explains a critical broken election promise by Carr led ALP govt in NSW on woodchipping of forests. We at ecology action and only a few others have decided to give special attention to this since we formed in 2002.


Picture: Mature forest destruction Ellery Block East Gippsland 2003

Why a new group in 2002? Aren't there enough existing groups? See our first mailout explaining our launch here.

The letter explains the basis after an overseas holiday by our founder to Chile, part of Argentina, and western Europe in mid 2002 after 10 years of activism, thus returning with new inspiration to make a difference on our blue green planet with knowledge of topics needing extra attention.

Most of everything else you might want to know follows here in a variation of our profile leaflet below.

Notice topics like

  • Gandhi's nonviolence philosophy,
  • some of the other groups we actively co-operate with
  • specific campaign activities
  • fundraising activity like aluminium/copper scrap metal

What do we stand for? 

  • Gandhi’s principles of nonviolence
  • ecological sustainability
  • environmental and social justice
  •  non-profit, volunteer community approach
  • free speech eg independent media
  • financial and political independence from government and business



What do we do?




1. Forests, woodlands and natural heritage in NSW and Australia:

Lobbying and policy, member Australian ChipStop anti woodchipping network, forest visits, support for direct actions in NSW and East Gippsland, information stalls. Photo evidence of forest destruction to inform Sydney residents.


2. Solidarity with A Limpiar Columbia

In 2006 we are supporting this South American green ngo FuLimCol for short, an

education, bush regrow and recycling group in Palmira, Columbia. This follows $15K in 02-04 support for the winning Allianza Aysen campaing in Chile, refer-






3. Active recycling aluminium/copper on call inner Sydney, council throwout items redirected to regionally based forest activists, or The Bower coop.


4. Permaculture garden, and other planting projects

Revive the landscaping at Addison Rd Centre, Marrickville, or bush regeneration

e.g previously at Menai, Streets factory in Turrella.



5. Transport for other groups

Van with woodchipping sux stickers all over for that forest rally gear; transport for helpers; indy press delivery, outreach stalls, donations to regional activists.



 Picture: Our honourary patron Benny Zable, world expert street theatre exponent.


6. Alliance building with likeminded local organizations

We work with groups such as:

*ChipStop in SE Australia targeting  woodchipping and logging of native forest;

*Botany Bay & Catchment Association (container trucks threatening to swamp Sydney out of expanded Port Botany )

* FuLimCol, a Columbian group promoting ecological awareness

* community news service

* The Bower reuse and repair centre, at Addison Rd Community Centre



non-profit media about your environment, in a human rights and social justice context